Imagine there is been a canned food in your refrigerator for several months and now Day has come your more hungry than usual you pick up a jar and see the lid slightly swollen you take off and shift the contents, everything is seen to be all right you think to yourself and without hesitation eat what is inside after a few hours you struck paralysis of your whole you cannot move or breathe in five minutes if there is no doctor around you will most likely die, this just one of the many ways to in inter the other world.

In this blog, you’re going to learn about the deadliest poison that exists in the world. Do you know the Mad Hatter this Alice in wonderland character kept saying caustic things in behaving strangely, but the Mad Hatter isn’t the invention of Lewis Carroll. You could actually mat such a character n the 19th century. The fact is that manufacture felt which served as material for the hat of those times mercury was used. Its fumes caused savior poising, from which Mad Hatter went mad. “Tremor impaired coordination” Hallucination and memory distortion are the major symptoms of mercury poising.

In England, there was even as same Mad as a Hatter, the bane armor use of mercury in production was introduced only in 1898 up to this point mercury was considered a cure for all disease it treated almost everything from depression to syphilis. For example, Abraham Lincoln uses mercury as an anti-depression, although they didn’t help the US president but only caused unlock of uncontrolled rage and the healing glass of liquid silver that ancient Greek, used to treat constipation, Simple tore the human intestine apart. After all, mercury is heavier than gold, and it is not intended for everyday drinking, but it is far from the deadliest poison on earth.

Fan of James Bond movies has probably heard about “Cyanide” which secret agents carried in vials in case of capture.

“Hydrocyanic acid” (H-C≡N) and “Cyanide” (K+-C≡N) which make up its salts are found in seeds of cheery, apricots, and peaches to get poison it’s enough for a child to accidentally swallowed, five (5) or six (6) seeds from these beery and if you eat 100… 150 pieces at a time, an adult is the guarantee go on into the next world.

“Hydrocyanic acid” is also present in apple cores. If you eat an entire apple, don’t worry to die you need to eat 2kg or 4.4lb cores, it is unlikely that you be able to swallow so much in one sitting.

“Potassium cyanide” is popular in spy movies for a reason. It has no taste or smells the lethal dose is small only 0.12g or 0.0042. oz.

After consuming cyanide a person almost instantly loses his consciousness and the respiratory system ceases functioning, the blood ceases to get oxygen and the person dies. In Tsarist Russia, they tried to poison Grigori Rasputin with cyanide by potting in sweat pie, but the poison did not affect after. After all, “Glucose” is an antidote to “potassium Cyanide”, so if you don’t want to get poison with “Cyanide” keep a sugar cube in your cheek, but what sugar won’t save you from “Botulinum Toxin” poising. This is the deadliest poison that exists in nature it only takes 0.3 μg or 1.05×10-oz to die. 4kg or 9lb could kill everyone on the plant.

Do you think it’s been developed by a scientist in military laboratories, no quite “Botulinum bacilli” live and produce in homemade sausage and swollen food.

“Botulus” which means sausage in Latin. Surprisingly one of the most dangerous poison on the plant is used to smoothen out wrinkles that so, called Botox is “Botulinum toxin” only in low concentration. From 1989….2003 28people died from Botox injections. Fortunately, scientist produce less “Botulinum toxic” per year than aspirin tablet so, the risk of human extinction is minimum

But there are places on the earth where you can Singh death pack with your hand. We are talking about a Japanese restaurant that serves delicious pufferfish. On such dish easily can people. Its poison “Tetrodotoxin” causes one of the most unpleasant death imaginable. After all, until variant, you remain conscious experiencing savior cramps throughout your body in suffering paralysis of the respiratory muscles to cook “Fugu” Japanese chef study for a year and then pass exams however several cases of poising from in dangerous delegates are registered every year there is no antidote for “Tetrodotoxin”, So, be careful when ordering the delicious dish.

Another small but deadly creature lives in the Amazon jungle. Meet the golden poison frog or “The golden Dart frog” its skin secrets powerful poison “Batrachotoxin” you shouldn’t kiss such a frog if don’t want instant paralysis of the heart. Amazon natives catch these small frog creatures and rubbing their arrowheads on their skin to hunt other animals. A shot from a thin dart with “Batrachotoxin” kills the victim in just a second (1s). however, it is unnecessary to travel to South America to get poison by the toxin for ordinary “Lead” paint, which can be found on toys, furniture, and souvenir. It often use in paint walls and ceiling back in 1950…… 1970 almost all paints produced with “Lead” additive. It seems that The problem is in the past in fact in 2007 more than a million federal cases poising from this metal were recorded. Today 73 nations have abandoned paints containing “Lead”, but the problem remains global. This is especially true in third world countries, for example, in Russia 2/3 of all paints are still produced with the edition of the toxic metal. The worst thing is that “Lead: taste sweet that is why children love to lick toys covered with this paint after “Lead” poisoning causes coma in convulsions. But even “Lead” is hardly poison of mass distraction. During world war 1  Germany used chemical weapons for the first time in history. They tried to develop more than 100yrs under the code name “LOST”. A group of German scientists developed gases that cause irreversible consequences to the human body the name of gas is “Mustard gas”. It did not always kill its victims after “Bombardment of Ypres” on 12 July 1917  only 87 of 2,500 thousand British French died however the rest of the soldiers receive boils on their skin, damage to their respiratory tracks, and some were permanently blinded. When doctors open corps of the body, they found an almost complete absence of white blood cell in the bone marrow, then Scientists suggested that mustard gas could treat some types of cancer because it stops the division of the center cell. After learning about this genesis synthesis that so, call nitrogenous as “Mustard gas” which was used in “Chemotherapy”. A “paradox” but the medicine “chloromethane” was created based on weapon mass distraction, which today saves a life.

However, the development of chemical warfare agents hasn’t today to find out the detail. We have to look into the secret archive of the Russian (KGB) in the USSR. The development of poison that would be the guarantee to kill the target and not leaving traces was in full swing by all groups of substances created under the code name “Novichok”. To die from this poising you don’t need to inject or digest. It is enough to get on your skin and you will habitually die. 1hour or 1.5hour after contact with the substance you suddenly lose consciousness you aren’t able to recover them you will go into a coma “tachycardia” and severe muscle spasms, pupils almost stop responding to light after while your heart rate drops to 40BPM. There swelling of the brain and lungs the nerves and cardiovascular system stop working then death comes soon.

Today we know at least 3 cases of poising in with it but none of them have been proven, because “Novichok” is almost impossible to track if you don’t Wanna poison from “Novichok” don’t contact to Russian KGB.

But don’t forget about other dangers in the world around you, don’t kiss “The Amazonian frog”, be careful in a Japanese restaurant, avoid contact with “Lead” paint, be wear of bloated can food if you're depressed don't drink a shot of “Mercury” for good health.

Take care of your health and thanks for reading:



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