Plan of disaster movies is often themed on some kind of natural catastrophe. Global warming, global cooling, Giant waves that can wash away 2/3 of the planet's population, Traffic earthquake, Tornado, Volcanic eruption all take their places of honor among this madness and, It is no wonder humanity has failed to cope with them so, far even predicting eruptions is not always possible. However, many authentic examples, when the entire city, countries, and even continents suffered from the distracting force of volcanos, are known to history.

For those who picture a volcano as a mountain filled with hot rock to the very brim. I Wanna explain its structure is slightly different, magma is not constantly located in the vent of the volcano as portrayed in the movie also there is no boiling l. The incredible hot rock usually rises from the depth only during the eruption, it becomes lava when it reaches the surface. For the most part, it remains hidden under a layer of the earth's crust or in the vent, cooling to the point that becomes solid you Wanna it to stay that way, trust me because many volcanic eruptions are a real natural disaster. However, lava is only part of the problem. Volcanic ash ejected during eruption can obscure the sun and cause volcanic winters the result is cold hunger and other threatening consequences in an attempt to regulate this volcanic harsh somehow scientist develop several classifications and even created a special scale of volcanic activity called "Volcanic explosivity index" or VEI.

Based on these data I choose the most powerful eruption in the history of our planet, of course, the most colossal eruption occurred long ago when the earth was young but, even a hundred of thousands of years after the first people appeared, volcanos still have something to surprise with.

Let start the relatively small eruption. I emphasize relatively soon you'll understand why it is important to use this word. Mount "Nyiragongo" is an active African stratovolcano with a very deep lava leak inside that almost never hardens. This sound is pretty dangerous already the volcano often erupts since 1882, This has happened at least 34 times. In 2002, as a result of another eruption lava flows up to a kilometer or 0.6 miles wide and up two meters or 6.5 feet deep, rushed through the city of Goma about 15% of buildings were destroyed approximately 245 people died. Despite the casualty, according to VEI, the eruption amount near Congo was considered to be minor.

Another volcano "Stromboli" is not so tall, and it is located in Italy, its height does not exceed a kilometer or 0.6 miles. "Stromboli" has erupted almost constantly over the past 2,000 thousand years. According to some volcanologist for as many as 5,00 years the volcano regularly throw ash, lava flow, the rock fragments into the air in the about same amount is mount "Nyiragongo" all these fragments thrown by the eruption may well kill persons, however, people continue to live near "Stromboli", very, very brave people.

"Galeras" is the most active volcano in Colombia. In 1993 volcano unacceptably erupted, killing 3 tourists, 6 scientists who were studying the volcano, and in threatened poses for local residents. In 2010 the Indonesian mount "Sinabung" began to erupt after being silent for more than 400 years ago, both eruptions were approximately equal in strength. Ashes were thrown into the air at least 1.5km or 0.93ml by the way mount "Sinabung" erupted several times practically in a row that year, turning light for the local population into something like seeing from the apoplectic movie. Earthquake a terrible roar, a huge bloom of smoke reaching up to 5km or 3.1ml in height, all followed by mud rain.

Next is the volcano eruption which many have heard of but few can pronounce its name “Eyjafjallajokull” volcano, try it again. It woke up on the night of March 20… 21 2010. Despite the fact, that its activity was on smaller scall, a huge cloud of ash paralysis almost the entire European aviation industry, 250 million M3 (cubic Meter) that is 8.8 billion FT3 (cubic Feet) of various volcanic debris thrown into the air, and this not counting the lava flowing to cracks, as row the danger of volcano associate with fire, sulfur, ash, and lava.

Yet there are exceptions when the "Nevado del Ruiz" woke up it releases its contents more than 30km (kilometer) or 18.6ml (miles) into the atmosphere, a mixture of the high temperature of volcanic gases, ashes, rock fragments, the melted glacier that covered "Nevado Del Ruiz" resulting powerful mudflows, they swiped along the slopes at the average speed of 60km/h (kilometer per hour) or 37m/h (miles per hour) and then crashed into the city of "Armero" before moving on, more than 23,00 people were killed, about 5,000 people were injured, and 5,000 houses in 13 villages were destroyed.

Mount "Vesuvius" has erupted many times and still consider active, its infamous eruption in 79A.D is consider one the deadliest in European history, then a huge hot cloud of stone, ash, and smoke burst out of mount "Vesuvius" went at the speed of 1.5MLN T/S, as a result of this cataclysm several thousand residents of the Roman cities " Pompei", "Herculaneum" and "Stabiae” were killed, also under attack or the inhabitants' small villages and villas at the forge of the volcano, the cities themselves virtually destroyed, it’s believed that mount “Vesuvius” generated thermal energy greatly exceeding the energy of “Hiroshima” atomic bomb explosion.

Lately, the active stratovolcano of mount “Tambora” has been making the people of Indonesia nervous, as they can still remember the history of the eruption of 1815, after several centuries of hibernation mount “Tambora” had a very loud awaking and explosion was heard at the distance of more than 2,000km (kilometers) or 1242ml (miles), the death toll was at least 71,000 people, a large amount of sulfur and ash released into stratosphere cause climate anomalies around the globe 1816 become known as the year without summer, resulting in the worst famine of the century.

In 1883 the volcano “Krakatoa” no it didn’t just start to erupt it exploded, the explosion was so, strong that was heard at the distance of 4,800km (kilometers) or 2982ml (miles), some even called this sound the loudest in history, the energy released by the explosion was estimated at about 200x106 of TNT, 70% of the island which “Krakatoa” was located, and the surrounding archipelago were destroyed, at least 36,417 people died as a result of the eruption and the tsunami.

"Toba" volcano is also responsible for one of the largest eruptions in human history, it happened about 75,000 years ago and turn into a veritable nightmare. The volume of lava, ash, and rock was twenty times greater than during the mount "Tambora" In 1815. Geologist Michael R. Rampino and volcanologist Stephen self along with other scientists believe that such volume of ash in the atmosphere could have caused a global volcanic winter, it lasts 6… 10 years and for the next 10th centuries the planet experience cooling temperature.

As I say at the begging of the article, the most powerful eruption occurred a long time ago when the earth was young.

As you know this was for best about 2.1MLN (Million) years ago the first eruption of "Yellow stone Caldera" occurred, it was so grain that mount rages fell apart from the explosion intimation rose to 50km (kilometers) or 31mi (miles), perhaps ash even falls overall North America and covered more than a quarter of its territories, it was a huge explosion but from the last eruption "Yellowstone" all this is nonsense compared to real power, about 28 million years ago one of the largest eruptions in the history. The eruption of "La Garita Caldera" occurred as a result of the cold era of the same name was formed. Some scholar believes that destruction was so, great that effected significant part of modern Colorado, it is believed that was x5,000 stronger then explosion of the famous "Tsar Bomba”.



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