It's no secret that our earth has much more water than land about 71% of our earth is covered in water and only about 29% of it is land.

There so much water that from space our plant appears blue, with a small splash of green, yellow and white, but let's imagine for seconds that everything has changed and now where our continents once work there is water and all the ocean have evaporated exposing a hard surface, do you think humanity will happy?

And the problem of overpopulation will be solved. For those of you who are always freezing there is good news on our new earth most will raise significantly, indeed the oceans which previously occupied an area of almost 361 million km² that is 139 million mi² will disappear. But they used to observe over 90% of the excess heat from the atmosphere and served as the main barrier to above climate change on our planet.

Now with less than half the amount of water on the earth that we have before. The ocean's ability to observe heat will also drop from 90% to 37% from now on the sun will mercilessly burn the earth.

Gradually deprived of vegetation and turning it into one vast desert. A more than a less mild climate will persist only in the coastal area, and in other areas, people can forever forget about warm clothes, skiing, and playing with snowballs.

The poles of the earth can also sink by to their century all snow caves, and the concept of the glacier will remain only in the history textbook. And the recollection of witnesses. The entire ice covers our plant will melt, and every nearby area will be flooded.

 The composition of the air will inevitably change. The small number of algae in the new ocean won't be able to control the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and produce enough at once did before.

Marine vegetation will also have to adapt to these new conditions because the oceans will become much warmer. In the air, there will be more carbon dioxide and less oxygen. The greenhouse effect will intensify, and the earth will become even warmer.

The hot air unsaturated with oxygen will become difficult to breathe. It turns out that even on the level of oxygen in the airdrops to 10… 14%.

Our psychological well-being is at stack irreversible changes in the body began. When it reduces to 6% death is innate. But perhaps it won't be so good humanity will be adopted by absorbing CO2 with the special installation.

Adventuring outdoor will be possible only with the oxygen tank. But these conditions cannot be called comfortable for life in an enormous shock.

Unfortunately, herbivores have nothing to eat. But there will obesity be more carnivores. Cold blood animals will be able to adopt because they know how to change the temperature of their body depending on the ambient temperature. Snake and lizard will cover the plant, but birds and mammals will either die or take the evolutionary leap to survive they have to adopt.

Fish from the ocean of, the course will disappear. But commercial fish may become smaller because of changes in temperature and an increase in the acidity of water.

A a huge part of the world population will be left without a livelihood. Since only a select few living in coastal territories will be able to engage in fishing and agriculture.

Some regions will flourish, while others will force to survive struggling with the effects of climate change: Hunger, thirst, and poverty. Most likely this won't last long, and in desperation, people will fight for land more suitable for life. Although will find more available land for this situation is clearly unsuitable for life.

Widespread drown will affect our freshwater supply, it will become the most scarce and expensive resource. Mankind may have to completely switch to consuming desalinated seawater or look for new fresh, for example, hidden underground or beneath the ocean. The land escape of our plant will also change beyond recognition.

Can imagine how many seamounts and volcanoes are hidden under the surface of the ocean. I am afraid to even imagine it because humans have only studied 2…..5% depth of our ocean.

So, there are surely lots of surprises, for example, on November 11, 2018, a major seismic event occurred in the area of the Mayotte Archipelago in the hidden ocean. This was a surprise, but almost no one notices it except for the special sensor. The eruption occurred deep underwater. Now what will happen if this occurred on land there are more than one million underwater volcanoes. On earth, all those scientists believe that most of them long-extinct, that is just a guess. When the earth decides to expose them, waiting for nature's mercy won't worth it. These facts orderly speak volumes. Every year underwater volcanoes expel 12….15 times, more magma than all volcanic eruptions on land.

In this new world, the longest chain of the mountain on earth will appear. We are talking about "mid-ocean Ridge" which will no longer have anything to do with the ocean. It'll stretch 60,000km that is 3700mi across the globe and mount Everest even it's visible from the table of water that has flooded Orissa will lose its stats at the highest peak in the world. After all, it was the tallest above sea level. This title will pass on Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii, most of which is now underwater. If we calculate the height of this mountain, not from sea level, but from the ocean floor, then it is 10,203 meters or 33,474 feet that is 1,355 meters or 4,445 feet Then, Mount Everest. But there will be a unique opportunity to take an excursion toward the Mariana trench used to be, just imagine how great it will rappel into the rift, that once the deepest section of water on earth.

The The absence of water will expose many mysteries. The ocean had one time; carefully hidden thousands of warships from different areas once submerge underwater will now become open-era museum exhibits.

Next to them, hundreds of underwater cities will come to life, and most importantly humanity will finally find out where the lost city of Atlantis is located it is just a pity that all the man masterpieces on the continents will be forever submerged underwater.

People will have to rebuild

Taj Mahal somewhere else erects macho Pichu, construct a Great Wall of China with new blocks, and forged another Eiffel tower. Unfortunately, don't expect to join an excursion to a new underwater attraction.

Give him the depth of the ocean it will be difficult to reach on the tallest building on earth today, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in the United Arab emirates but travelers will certainly become easier and cheaper.

The most popular for transport will be by land the world would envelop in the network of railways and freeways, and give in the sharp increase in the amount of land. You can forget traffic jams city will become wider and although air will hotter it will surly free of industrial pollution and those who are used living in crowded condition will finally be able to straighten their shoulder. The big question is will people remain the same as they were before, after all, everything around us changed beyond recognition. Our body is 60% water but in this new environment, it will extremely difficult. To maintain water balance obviously the body enadmi will be adapted to survive in the world. The amount of freshwater is negligible. What the new look like is hard to imagine but is quite possible that roughly it would something will completely unfamiliar devoid of any astatic most likely will adopt our new reality after all even how there is a weird tribe living in the desert in the meantime we, fortunately, live a familiar world with ocean still wash-up our shore and keep climate mild, and our lives comfortable.

It would be nice if we appreciated it. Would you like to try living for a day where the ocean had become a large salt lake and where one large connected continent.


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